Monday, May 3, 2010

First Sale Day

Well, the good news is that it didn't rain and we had customers (mostly new faces), but the spring buying fever just wasn't in the air. I had customers stop who were just driving by and a few who had picked up a flyer at Copper Eagle Antique store or from the Brocton show and even one from Facebook(my mom posted that -thanks Mom). My husband was so nice and helpful yesterday, even getting the hayrack and sawhorses (for parking) set up before church. The two vendors each sold some items and I had my ususual helpers (my mom and dad) and Ella Mae(my grandma) and her sister- Aunt Ann came and visited (they just set the mood with their stories). The first sale is always the hardest- so much to clean and price (where do the tags disappear to?) and figure out where everything should go. It's a lot to do mostly by myself- don't get me wrong- I really enjoy it- it just helps when I feel the customers like what they see. I'm going to keep working on it- improving with the input of my friends and family. Hopefully, the next sale will be more successful in many ways!

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