Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Blooming Spirea

I just love this time of year-when everything is blooming and it hasn't gotten too hot to walk around the yard and enjoy it. I still need to buy my annuals to put out-so everything is just white for the moment!

I'm joining White Wednesday at
and Outdoor Wednesday


  1. Oh my gosh Rebecca, your home is a post card. I love it. Perfect!

  2. Oh my gosh Rebecca! this is your house??? I LOVE it! We lived in a house built in 1848, and I miss it so much! Wow! your place is just gorgeous!!!!!!!!!
    All the white looks wonderful!
    Hugs to you.

  3. What a beautiful home!!!!!! I just planted another pink spirea. They are so pretty:)
    ~Debra xxx
    capers of the vintage vixens

  4. Too funny! I was thinking the SAME thing.. The exact words, "Oh my gosh!", entered my head when I saw your house! LOL

    Your home is just stunning! Makes me miss the farmhouse I grew up on. You are so lucky to have that front porch... it's gorgeous!! Totally looks like a dollhouse :)

  5. That is your home???? It's beautiful! I love the house and the spirea! The birdhouse on the post, I see a part of an arbor! Wow! I'm totally impressed!

  6. How charming!
    Looks like a house from Anne of Green Gables!
