Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Barn Sale-August 16, 17,and 18th

I'm having a 3 day Sale since I'm on vacation. The weather has been great and I've seen several new customers. I decided to try and place an ad in our local paper for a couple of those days and hoping that it will bring new people and awareness to Ella Mae's Barn! Here's my white Wednesday pic!

My husband's sister, Nancy and friend, Doug came by to visit and shop and Eric took them over to see the house. We had a fun time! I'm joining White Wednesday at


  1. I love that terrarium, Rebecca! Good luck on your sale!...Christine

  2. Can I cry :( I will be home Friday the 19th and driving by your hoo I missed it again!

  3. Looks like they enjoy the ride. Have a good deal rebecca!
