More than a year ago(January 2009) I bought a parlor organ. I had wanted one for some time and found one very reasonably at an antique store. We left without buying it (my husband wouldn't let me-we had just re-done our hardwood floors and spent a huge sum to do it and my husband didn't want to a big piece covering it up) and after I pouted and stewed for over a week, he relented and let me buy it - only to bring it home and put it in the shed. A couple of weeks ago my husband wanted to buy his aunt's car(a 2002 Buick Lasabre-old lady car) and I said absolutely NO! We already own 3 vehicles-Dodge Ram, Ford Ranger, and Toyota 4-Runner. What do we need with another vehicle- we don't have any kids. I told him I would never drive the car if he bought it or even ride in it. Guess what - we bought it. He wanted a car with better gas mileage. I need a hauling vehicles!!!! He will never have to worry about junk in his old lady car or no gas. We were walking the dogs one evening after he bought the car and we were trying to figure were we put another vehicle since we only have a two car garage and he said if we moved the organ into the house, we might be able to fit the car in the shed. YEH! So here it is-it fits perfectly on this wall between the two doors -one to the den and one to the downstairs bedroom.
it's been snowing...
2 hours ago
Do you play that organ?