I just read today on someone's blog a quote from Mark Twain that in 20 years we'll be more disappointed in what we didn't do that what we did. I think that is probably true. How often do we get to do the things we really want to do (within reason)? I don't want to travel, don't want fancy things-homes or cars. I love my little old house (most of the time) and my pets(3 dogs, 3 cats). Just want to have fun with each day- which is difficult with everything we have to do-work at work and work at home. I want to be that fun person people say- I want to be like that -kinda crazy and just enjoying life. Here's my latest wish/want- something I know that I would enjoy along with my family and friends. Life is too short (and it seems like it's getting shorter all the time)-let's have fun and live it!!!!

Love the pink golf cart! I agree...Fun is where it's at. I did a blog entry on this last year: http: http://mickle10-latetotheparty.blogspot.com/2010/08/confession-friday-i-just-wannabe-cyndi.html I think you might enjoy it, too!