Everyone has so many things to be thankful for and I try to think of that everyday, not just on Thanksgiving. First and Foremost, God gave his only Son, Jesus, so that we may have eternal life with him. Without that- life would be pretty dismal. We are so lucky to live in this country. I don't think we think about that enough-unless we know someone who is serving our country. I know I am very fortunate to have a wonderful family who accepts me as I am- with all the weird quirks that I have! And great supportive friends- especially my best friend, Teresa, who is always there for me and I know I can call numerous times a day and she won't get sick of me talking! I know we all love the food - but what's really important is to tell those in your life how much you love them- so do that today!

Have a Wonderful Day spent with Family and Friends!