Did you ever have an pet scare? Where one of them is missing?
Yesterday we woke up to that. We have two cats(one is pretty wild (Little Tommy, the other one is a big baby(Timmy) that live on our enclosed, carpeted, furnished, back porch. These cats like to go outside(I'm against it-but they love it!) They always come in at nite and we shut the door.
The nite before, Timmy, had found a mouse and my husband wouldn't let him in with it-so the cats were outside all nite(I wouldn't have done that!)
So the next morning Timmy was no where to be found. My husband searched outside and in the garage and we called his name. He didn't come when we fed the other cat( we feed them 3 times a day-wonder why they're fat?). So I got that sick feeling-maybe a coyote got him. I love all animals-BUT not coyotes.
After a while-my husband says-do you hear a meowing. Our Timmy had gotten himself stuck in our smokehouse! What relief!
I love a good ending to a story-Don't you!