I don't usually make resolutions- that most people do- loose weight, exersize more, quit smoking or drinking. I really don't make resolutions at all. But I've been doing a lot of thinking and want to try and focus on changing some things about myself and the New Year is a great time to start.
1) Be less critical (especially at work ) and more forgiving
2) Really be in the moment with friends and especially family (we seem to take them more for granted)
3) Be more generous- with time, money and things (something my good friend Teresa and my mother are helping me with)
4) Find a cause to be passionate about (animals, those less fortunate in other parts of our world)
5) Enjoy each day- (while watching the mermaid girl I loved the delight in her voice at the simpliest things)
I won't say I will change the first day or that I will change at all- I just think I'm on a journey to learn these things. I hope you are making some resolutions that will really matter in your own life!
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