Saturday we came back in from camping to see my niece's first basketball game. It was such a fun time to watch and my niece did wonderful!

Getting a little pre-game instructions!

The beginning of the game-I remember this!

After just making a basket.

A neighbor girl who came along(she was doing the splits for me and it's such a little beauty!)and my littliest niece.

Running in action-she's the one with the shirt tied up in back.

Here's she's throwing the ball in!

They beat the other team by 20 points ....but that wasn't the point. They had so much fun and learned so much about the game. We didn't stay for the second game and she really hurt her wrist. Didn't go to the emergency room, but will be going to the doctor's on Monday.
Her brother has a football game on Tuesday, so I'll be posting some of those pics later this week!
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