Well, here he is-Craig(my BF son) and he should be wearing a super hero costume instead of a DORK shirt. But that's the kind of guy he is-helpful and funny(like a big kid). He really came to my rescue
tonite because I really wanted this cast iron mantle to be in the meeting house where I am trying to make it look like a boarding house for the upcoming Trials and Tribulations event. The mantle was in the basement of the Rutherford house and I knew it was really heavy-what I didn't know was that our three men of the group weren't going to show up and it was nailed to the wall. So I called my BF
Tete and asked if Craig could come and help. He had just gotten finished helping someone move a hide-a-bed couch and was exhausted, but he came anyway. He managed to rip the mantle from the wall in the basement and carry it on his neck(yes-I know it sounds impossible-I wish I would have gotten a picture) like a horseshoe and carry it up the stair and into the meeting house. This was no simple feat and I was scared to death he would injure himself and his mother would kill me. But he reassured me that he knew what he was doing. So he's my Hero. Not many men out there would oblige us women and help like that-so some lucky lady out there is going to get themselves one great guy someday! Thanks again Craig!!!! (Should I put your phone number on here? Your mom would kill me on that one for sure!)

Here's the parlor area(you can see the stove leaned up against the wall-it needs to be nailed in since it's top heavy). I hung lace and green curtains between the two rooms to act as a divider. I brought up a few other items(chair, table and footstools) and the best piece -the red couch(which I will post tomorrow so you can really see it.

This is the sleeping area I created by adding a iron headboard and a few chairs and little stove I had. I think it turned out quite quaint. The sewing machine was already there(we had several in the Rutherford House and needed to move some out!)

This is the dressing room area. I added a folding screen(to cover the air conditioner and moved my knock down cabinet from where the pie safe was. The large white cabinet was also in the basement of the Rutherford house two years ago when we did the first Trials and Tribulations event. Huge Cabinet too!

Pie Cabinet that we dragged up from the Rutherford house basement two years ago also. It still needs some work and a back to it, but still a cool piece. I moved it closer to the door so it wouldn't be in the parlor area.

Trials and Tribulation -this Saturday at Oakland, IL
Not sure what trials and tribulations is but your decorating looks great!